Keeping Floyd County Families Warm, One Coat at a Time
Only in Georgia can weather go from 82 degrees on Sunday to 39 degrees on Wednesday.
As colder weather approaches we all scramble to find those coats, jackets, sweaters and gloves. But in some cases there are families and children who have none. With that in mind, we are asking that you keep an eye out for those gently used items that still have warmth to give.
The Floyd County Police Department along with Floyd County Emergency Management and Floyd County Schools are teaming up to help our community this winter. Beginning November 6, we will begin collecting new and gently used winter clothing items to be distributed to local shelters in our area. We are looking for items such as coats, jackets, sweaters, hats and gloves for women, men and children.
In addition to clothes, we are also asking for groups to consider making toiletry and sanitary supply kits. If you are a member of a civic club, church group or volunteer organization this could be a great project to provide dignity to our community in need.
Those wishing to donate items may drop them off at the Floyd County Police Department from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Students wishing to participate may bring their items to school where they will be collected and then distributed.
All items will be distributed to Shelters operating within Floyd County to serve those members of our community in need. Distribution will begin as soon as we build a good supply, but collection will continue through Christmas and conclude December 29 in time for the New Year’s holiday.
If you have any questions or want more information, please email Captain Ron Hunton at