Airport Runway Extension

Project ID: 
Project Type:
Capital Project
Project Status: 
Future site of Airport Runway Extension

The Project includes an environmental assessment and mitigation, grading, drainage, paving, lighting for Runway 1-19 and Parallel Taxiway extension and includes the relocation of the Instrument Landing Systems Localizer.


Aerial view of Airport
Status Updates

2.27.2024 - the Floyd County Board of Commissioners approved Bartow Paving Company for Runway 1/19 + Parallel Taxiway Extension Paving, Lighting & Marking Package in the amount of $6,987,130.00

Phase I of grading site complete. Phase II electrical and ILS installed and complete. Phase III base, paving, marking, lighting, and obstructions to be bid in Fall 2023. Scheduled to begin construction in 2024.

1.2023 - Site work was completed in preparation for the installation of the new Localizer 420. Now fully installed and operational.

12.27.2019 - The Draft Environmental Assessment is currrently being reviewed by the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) and regulatory agencies. 

4.2019 - All preliminary engineering/environmental and plans are complete. Project was put out for bid in July 2018 and low bid was $8.3 million. Application for a federal AIP grant has been submitted for balance of project budget. Awards are expected no later them September 2019. Contingency plan is to break project up into smaller pieces to provide more competitive bids.

2018 - Submitted a supplemental funding request for 1/19 Runway Extension project.

9.10.2017 - Preliminary engineering underway. Airport layout plan, environmental assessment and permitting, and preliminary design has been authorized and is underway.

6.23.2014 - Preliminary conversations have occurred with the County's Airport engineer, FAA and GDOT.